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To empower positive transformation through a life-long physical and mental practice.

Make the world a better place starting with U!


The value of building and maintaining muscle mass and strenth as we age cannot be overstated. Click this link to to find out more ---> The 3 Most Important Strength Tests for Longevity

Yogis in class

'Life is like a garden, and the habits we cultivate can either enrich or impoverish our well-being. We're here to explore mindful eating and yoga, two deeply interconnected practices that form a holistic approach to nutrition and wellness.

We'll strip away the mystique, revealing how these powerful tools can transform our relationship with food and our bodies. By combining mindful eating - the practice of...


If we claimed yoga is the magic pill for all women's health issues across different life stages, we'd probably be stretching the truth.

However, we can't ignore the myriad scientifically-supported benefits yoga offers for women's health. From easing menstrual cramps to aiding postpartum recovery, managing menopausal symptoms to promoting overall mental well-being, yoga seems to have something to offer at every...

An image of a woman in child’s pose.

'Isn't it ironic how sitting, an action often associated with relaxation, can cause so much strain on our bodies?'

We've all felt it, that nagging pain in our necks, the stiffness in our backs, the tightness in our hips - all the unwelcome gifts of long hours spent at a desk.

But what if we told you there's a way to offset these discomforts, something that doesn't require a gym...

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In the tranquil, timeless world of yoga, it seems almost contradictory to introduce the buzzing, fast-paced realm of technology. Yet, as we're about to explore, this unlikely pair can form a harmonious union, enhancing not only how we practice yoga, but also the depth of our understanding and the breadth of our engagement.

From apps that guide our daily routines to wearable gadgets that monitor our posture and...


In our modern, fast-paced world, we've all seen a friend or loved one struggle with chronic pain. It's a complex issue, often misunderstood and frustratingly resistant to traditional treatments.

However, an ancient practice, yoga, is showing promise as an effective tool in managing this persistent discomfort. Research suggests that regular yoga practice can significantly reduce chronic pain...


We've seen it boost focus, bolster strength, and hasten recovery. Yet, yoga's benefits for athletes stretch far beyond these apparent advantages.

As sports professionals, we increasingly recognize yoga's potential for enhancing athletic performance and recovery. Incorporating yoga into training can substantially improve physical, mental, and emotional.

But how exactly does it achieve this?...


Imagine a tranquil room bathed in soft, warm light, where the air is filled with the calming scent of incense and the rhythmic sound of controlled breathing. This is the serene world of yoga, a practice we often see as a physical exercise with the added benefit of stress relief.

But have you ever wondered about the science behind those feelings of tranquillity and mental clarity that wash over you after a...


Managing stress and maintaining health is critical for busy professionals. With hectic schedules, finding time for wellness can be challenging. However, yoga offers a solution. Quick, effective routines can seamlessly fit into your busy day, helping you stay calm, focused, and healthy.

Benefits of Yoga for Busy ProfessionalsStress Reduction

Yoga is renowned for its stress-relieving properties. Combining physical...


Hot yoga, a practice involving yoga poses in a heated environment, is often touted for its ability to aid in detoxification. This method employs elevated temperatures, typically around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, to induce a deep sweat.

The heat facilitates greater flexibility and enhances blood circulation as practitioners move through various poses. This increased circulation speeds up the transport of oxygen and nutrients to vital...


Journey To 1,000 Classes

Beginning October 1, we are kicking off our Journey to 1,000 classes. The first step in your journey is the “First 50” classes taken. When you complete 50 classes, you get your White Belt status and awesome 50 class T-shirt! The next goal after 50 classes is 100. Then 250 classes. Then 500 classes. And finally, at 1,000 classes you achieve Union Black Belt Mystical Ninja-Corn status and are inducted into the Union Hall of Legends. Seriously. We are turning the back hallway at Park Oaks into the Baker Duncan Hall of Legends. Will you be legendary?

To help you keep track of your awesomeness, purchase a sweat book in studio for only $20 plus tax!

As a reminder, Customized Nutrition Plans are now available!

Email for more information.
