
Nick Garza

Member since December 2021

1. What motivated you to start your fitness journey at the Union?

Prior to the Union, I had been a member at lifetime for over 10 years. I would workout regularly, but I was never really making any big progress since I would do the same routine day in and day out. A good friend from work had been trying to convince me to the Union a try and finally succeeded during an intro special. To this day, I’m so thankful I listened and took up that flyer and started my journey with the Union.

2. How did you feel physically and mentally before you joined the Union?

Before the Union, I felt in a normal routine that I enjoyed, but I really didn’t know what I was missing. I enjoyed working out early in the morning and starting the day off right, to clear my head, but working out alone meant I had to push myself which was hard to do everyday. Physically, I felt like I was in decent shape, but I was proven wrong after my first gym workout at The Union. Day 1 I realized what I was missing was a cardio/endurance component of my training.

3. Can you describe the changes you have experienced in your overall well-being since joining the Union?

Where do I even begin! Over the past year and half with the Union, so many aspects of my life have changed. The foundation of that change has been around the Union’s motto of “Community”. The 5am gym crew is my crew and I’m surrounded by so many inspiring, motivating, caring, amazing and of course funny people that always get me in a great mood before work every morning. On days I want to stretch and sweat, I go to the hot room and always leave clear headed, relaxed, stretched and drenched! The best yoga class for me is power yoga, especially the first few moments before class starts when the teachers often share an inspiring quote or story. I’ve met great people who were always encouraging and supportive and held each other accountable, including stick figure drawings of each other on instagram when we missed class. My good friend became a best friend as we continued to push each other to be better in the gym, and held each other accountable. He even was my best man when I finally married my Partner of 10 Years! The Union was so supportive and wishing nothing but the best for my husband and I, and I really feel like I belong here.

4. What were some obstacles or challenges you faced along the way, and how did you overcome them?

I will admit, it wasn’t rainbows and roses day 1. There was a little self doubt and confidence that I fumbled through in the gym, being frustrated that I wasn’t doing the same weight as others, the fastest as other or straight up not being able to do certain movements, some that I’m still developing to this day. The thing that got me through it was again the 5am gym crew, the numerous challenges that made me want to continue to show up, my supportive husband and friends.

5. In what ways has the Union helped you achieve your fitness goals?

The best thing that happened at the Union that helped me achieve my fitness goals was the introduction of the “level method”. This has been a game changer in helping me track my progress and continue to push myself with the different levels of the daily WOD’s. In addition, the Sweat Book is amazing and helps motivate me to continue to show up and work towards the milestone classes, next stop 500!

6. What specific transformations have you noticed in your body, health, or performance since becoming a member?

My first year with the Union, I definitely noticed increased energy, mood, endurance, strength, flexibility, and speed. I lost 12 pounds, thanks to all the various classes and coaches pushing me. The past 6 months, I also changed my eating habits and fully embraced pushing myself even more with the WOD's using the level method. I lost an additional 15 pounds, and have never felt better!

7. Is there a particular accomplishment or milestone that you are most proud of in your fitness journey?

Being new to The Union, every new movement or posture that I was able to learn, thanks to the coaches and other Unionites, felt like an accomplishment in itself. I think the most proud accomplishments have been doing my first Bikram 90, completing the Murph and the Kettlebell Murph this past year as well as unlocking the “fear of the wall” in handstand push-ups. Next milestones are bar muscle up and double unders!

8. How has being a part of the Union positively impacted your life outside of fitness?

Outside of fitness, the Union has positively impacted my recognition of the power of my breathe. In Yoga, the teachers always emphasize finding your breathe, and I feel I use this every day outside of the gym especially if I am dealing with the day to day stress of life.

9. What aspects of the Union's fitness programs and facilities do you find most beneficial and enjoyable?

All of them! The Union has such a wide range of classes and times of the classes, there is something for everyone!

10. If you were to recommend the Union Fitness and Fun to someone else, what would you say are the main reasons for joining?

The main reason for recommending the Union would be for the sense of community and being able to be surrounded by such amazing people and coaches, all showing up everyday with a common purpose to make themselves and others a little better each day!